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NEWS 26 June 2024

New President of the Supreme Court of Portugal

 Mr João Cura Mariano assumed office as President of the Supreme Court of Justice of…
NEWS 13 June 2024

2024 EU Justice Scoreboard

 On June 11th, 2024, the European Commission published the 2024 EU Justice Scoreboard – an…
NEWS 03 May 2024

New President of the Cour de cassation of Belgium

Mr Eric de Formanoir de la Cazerie assumed office as First President of the Cour de cassation…
NEWS 09 January 2024

New President of the Supreme Court of Austria

Mr Georg Kodek took office on 1 January 2024, succeeding Ms Elisabeth Lovrek, who retired at…
NEWS 08 January 2024

New President of the Supreme Court of Greece

Ms Ioanna Klapa-Christodoulea took office on 28 July 2023, succeeding Ms Maria Georgiou, who…
NEWS 21 December 2023

Network’s Common Portal of Case-Law – Video Tutorial

  The Common Portal of Case-Law is a search engine available on the website and Intranet of…
NEWS 23 November 2023

New Observer – President of the Supreme Court of Serbia

The General Assembly, which convened on Thursday, 9 November 2023 in Vienna, unanimously admitted…
NEWS 21 November 2023

New President and Board Members

The General Assembly, which convened on Thursday, 9 November 2023 in Vienna, elected new Board…
NEWS 14 November 2023

The Members of the Network held the Colloquium and the Joint Meeting with the CJEU and the ECtHR in Vienna, Austria

The Presidents of Supreme Courts of EU Members States, Norway, United Kingdom, Albania, Montenegro…
NEWS 23 October 2023

New President of the Supreme Court of Albania

Vice President Mr Sokol Sadushi, Member of the Supreme Court of Albania since March 11th, 2020 and…