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Nouvelle présidente de la Cour suprême d'Espagne

Ms Isabel Perelló Doménech is the President of the Supreme Court Spain and the General Council of the Judiciary since 4 September 2024.

Born in 1958, she joined the judiciary in 1985 and was assigned to the Court of First Instance and Investigation in Mahón (Menorca) and the Provincial Court of Barcelona.

A judge specialising in the administrative judicial branch since 1991, she also served in the Chamber for Contentious Administrative Proceedings of the High Court of Justice of Andalusia in Seville (1991-1992) and that of the National High Court (1993-1994 and 2001-2009). In addition, she was a counsel at the Constitutional Court (1994-2001). In 2009 she was appointed as judge of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court, where she exercised her judicial functions until she was named president of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary.

Ms Perelló Doménech has participated in various courses on constitutional matters, comparative administrative law, telecommunications and constitutional case-law in gatherings organised by the General Council of the Judiciary on sport, regulation and justice. She has co-authored several works and collaborated on the book “La Europa de los Derechos: el Convenio Europeo de los Derechos Humanos” (Europe of Rights: the European Convention on Human Rights), published by the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies.