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Brussels Seminar (22 November 2005)

Seminar with the Representatives of the European Union Institutions



Conference Center Borschette

n° 36, rue Froissart

1040 Brussels



9.30                Introduction by Mr Guy Canivet,President of the Network of the Supreme Judicial Court of the European Union 

9.45                Mr Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission, Commissioner for Security, Freedom and Justice

10.15              “The European Parliament and the evaluation as a tool for the European area of justice”, Mr Jean-Marie Cavada, Chairman of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament

10.45             Discussion

11.15              “Confidence building measures with a view to the creation of the European area of justice”, Mr Hans G. Nilsson, Head of the Unit of Judicial Cooperation, Directorate General for Justice and Home Affairs, Secretariat General of the European Council

11.45             Discussion

12.00              The contribution of the Court of Justice to the construction of the European area of justice”, Mr Antonio Tizzano, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Communities

12.30             Discussion

14.30              “The Court of justice and judicial cooperation: reality and prospects?”, Mr Michel Petite, General Director of the Legal Service of the European Commission

15.00             Discussion

15.15              ”The European judicial area in criminal matters: ongoing issues” Ms Denise Sorasio, Director for criminal justice and home security, Directorate general for justice, freedom and security, European Commission (speech by Ms Isabelle Jegouzo)

15.45             Discussion

16.00              “The European judicial area in civil matters: ongoing issues”, Mr Francisco Fonseca Morillo, Director of Civil Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Directorate General for Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission

16.30             Discussion